Thursday, June 21, 2012

SOD: Dennis Wilson "Rainbows"

Often called the "Dark Horse" of the Beach boys, Dennis Wilson was the middle child of the Wilson beach boys. He was also the only real surfer of the group, personifying the attitude and themes that the group often covered in their songs. You could say he was the only literal "beach boy."

His solo album Pacific Ocean Blue (1977) was critically acclaimed, and I loved it from the moment I first heard it. Johnny burned me a copy of the album, and I was truly surprised by how much I enjoyed it. I have to admit, I find the beach boys to be a bit too much for my taste. Their in-your-face harmonies, and overtly happy and optimistic music is just a little too contrived for me. They admit to intentionally creating music geared towards making people feel happy and positive. So if their pigeonholing themselves into that structure, there's not a lot of room for other emotions or diversity in their work. I need a little more grit. Plus, Mike Love is an asshole. 

But Dennis Wilson was onto something with his solo effort. He's still got the beach boy vocals going, but it's all done a bit less dramatically. And though I suppose the music is somewhat as beachy, I was much more readily able to connect with this album, than any beach boys album I'd heard in the past. I think some of it has to do with Wilson's more earthy voice, and the fact that not every song was geared towards that "good vibration." But hey, that's just one man's opinion.

Rainbows is apparently about being happy, and being alive. It's a melodic tune full of those patented beach boys harmonies. But Dennis Wilson's raspy, intuitive vocals are a standout, and certainly make the song and album for me. I would recommend it to beach boy and non-beach boy fans alike, because I think everyone can take a page out of its book, or at least find something to appreciate.

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