Thursday, May 31, 2012

SOD: Lafayette Gilchrist "Assume The Position"

Granted, the name of this song isn't the most inviting, but this jazzy little tune is ambrosia of the ears and feet. How can you not want to move to this? I'll admit, I've been listening to his music for quite some time now, but I don't know a lot about Lafayette Gilchrist. I know he's from the Baltimore area, and thus was included on music from "The Wire," but I've never seen him live, and I don't really know his story. All I know is some of the music. It doesn't help that he's void of a Wikipedia page.

Some of his stuff is a bit harder to digest than this. It gets very jazzy, and very intricate. This is the song that got me hooked, and is probably his most popular (that's just a guess). It's off the album The Music According to Lafayette Gilchrist, a solid album that I would recommend at least looking up. Though it's not all as accessible as "Assume The Position," if you're into this kind of sound there is much to be enjoyed about it. If nothing else, you'll have given it a shot.

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