Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Defusing the Rage

You ever get your phone charger cord stuck under the wheel of your office chair? Is this a phenomenon that I alone deal with on a daily basis because I've refused to take the steps necessary to properly rewire my office?

And it's infuriating, beyond words. Like stubbing your toe. You actually have to bend down, and as the blood rushes to your head, detach a cord from around the innermost workings of the little black wheel of the chair. It's like defusing a bomb. Thinking about it is enough to piss me off.

If you let these little things get to you, I guess you just become a grumpy person eventually. If you let one new little thing get to you every year, by 70 your old and grumpy. Which many 70 year olds are. But a lot of them are happy. I personally feel like more old people are happy today, as opposed to when I was younger (but that's a completely biased opinion because a lot of the old people I knew then, have since died off. And they were mostly the grumpy ones). Recent studies have shown that the happiest reported periods of peoples lives are in the 60s-70s range.

Happy is good I guess. Productive still feels better to me right now.

I may yet get to that rewiring today.

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