Friday, September 14, 2012

SOD: Grateful Dead "Catfish John"

I guess I still have fishing on the mind.

But The Dead are in my ears. I listened to Terrapin Station(1977) today in full. An album that when it came out, angered many of the Dead faithful, as it was widely considered a departure from their blues/jazz roots. Though this funky little number would suggest otherwise, it's not indicative of the album in full. It's a more produced album than I'm used to from them, some say it borders on Prog Rock, but I'm not ready to say that after one listen. But I'm not perturbed by any of that. In fact, I rather like it.

Maybe that's because I am, unbeknownst to many, not a "Dead Head." It's not that I don't like them, I just never got head over heels into them, nor did I have a forum to. My parents didn't listen to a lot of them, nor did my friends growing up. It's not an excuse, it's just a fact. Im enjoying them more and more these days, and really starting to dig into albums. It's a slow process because there's so much out there I want to listen to (The Dead and otherwise), but I'm making some progress.

Any listening suggestions would be much appreciated. Happy Friday.

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