Friday, September 28, 2012


We take a lot of pictures. As a generation. The amount of documentation of our lives is one of the biggest differences between us and our parents. My folks have a couple of photo albums that basically sum up the entirety of their first 30 years on this planet. I have tens of thousands of pictures for that same time period.

For better or worse, it's a fact that we need to come to terms with. Our faces will be smattered across other people's computer screens and the internet, whether we want it there or not. I don't have facebook, but I know my face is on it. I've done my best to avoid that stuff, not that it takes much effort on my part. It's not something that interests me, so it doesn't play any role in my life. That goes for almost all forms of social media (and yes, I know I say this ironically as I am blogging about it).

So the other day I was going through the pictures on my computer, because to be honest I dont even know what I've got. I came across this picture. This is the kind of picture that makes the hundreds of crappy ones before it, worth it. It's the kind of picture that sums up the entirety of the weekend trip we took down to the Capital of the U-S- of A. This one picture, tells it like it was. We all had a great weekend bullshitting in the streets, goofing off, and laughing a lot. At one point, I found a closed off block right by one of the government buildings, and I got everyone to join me in the middle of the road. "Why Not?" was kind of the motto when it came to that day, so we just said "yes" to everything. And though I'm a little concerned about the amount of pictures we take, I've got to say, I'm damn glad we captured this moment.

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