Thursday, July 26, 2012

SOD: Robert Plant "Tin Pan Valley"

I know I've already done a Robert Plant SOD, that's even from the same album, but "Tin Pan Valley" just came on my office playlist and my neighbor came by to ask "what song is this?" I love when that happens. When a tune is catchy enough, or just has that certain something to it, that you can't help but impose on the person playing it to find out what it is. I've been there before, many times. There's nothing like discovering a new album or group for the first time. Somehow, no matter how many times it happens, I'm always just as shocked and thrilled everytime. I'll incessantly play the album for at least a couple of weeks, or until I'm satisfied that I've learned the lyrics, and can hum all the parts cold. Each time, it's like falling in love for the first time all over again. With music that is.

The beauty of this, is that as long as people are making new music, this can keep happening. I'm fully aware that there is a plethora of complete and utter talentless, slop out there, but sparsely peppered in that mix are some diamonds in the rough. Those are what make the endless searches worth it. Often times, I've found older acts, long since disbanded or moved on, who's music I haven't heard before. This is as good as it gets, because I have an entire body of work to navigate through, right at my fingertips. Nothing like immediate gratification. No waiting for the next album to come out, because they've already been here for a while. Most recently that happened to me with "Pentangle" (A British folk group), when I learned they backed up Nick Drake on his first album, Five Leaves Left. About three years ago I discovered Anders Osborne for the first time, and since then I've purchased all his albums, and seen him play live a handful of times.

Nonetheless, I think it may have recently happened to my coworker, as he's been listening to "The Mighty Rearranger" for the past hour, and already played this tune three times. You've gotta love it.

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