Tuesday, April 17, 2012

You Can't Handle The Truth Pt.2

Yes, I'm continuing my exploration of this myth called "The Truth." In this instance, I will briefly display to you how the truth is not only inappropriate, but can get you in a lot of trouble. No, it's not dirty.

If you have a significant other, it's often times best not to argue with them in public. I think everyone can agree with that. Especially don't air your dirty laundry, but even small fights can be uncomfortable for everyone. That being said, you don't want to correct or disagree with your partner in those instances when they're wrong, in company. If they say something that is factually inaccurate like, "Montana is bordered by Florida to the North, and Chicago to the West," do not point out the problems. Instead, you are expected to nod your head and pass the lie on approvingly. Failure to do so, will earn you daggers.

Now the reason for this is because the facts don't matter. What was being said doesn't even matter. All that matters is your significant other was speaking and you are expected to support them. Unconditionally. Whether they suddenly announce that they're running for State Senate, or the decide that they want to get all geographical. The appropriate action is to simply approve of everything they do and say, and later on in the privacy of your home, reprimand, correct, belittle, berate, and demean them as necessary.

I learned this quite some time ago. We all have to. One usually has to touch the stove to know it's hot, they can't simply be told. It was a similar story on this issue. I learned first hand, and since then I've circumvented entering those waters again quite nicely. You know, just one small example of why telling the truth is stupid.

1 comment:

  1. Who taught you to be so smart??? Ya know what they say... A happy wife is a happy life!! Miss you DB xo
