Tuesday, April 3, 2012

SOD: Fleetwood Mac "Gypsy"

This song has a temporal quality to it for me. No matter when or where it's played, I'm reminiscent. Not of anything in particular, just reminiscent of life, and friends, and time itself I suppose. It's a very "here and now" song. It makes me forget about everything else that's going on, content to be in the moment. I know a couple other people who feel the same way.

Stevie Nicks has been doing it for years. Randomly I caught an episode of "American Idol" while at a family friends house. I haven't ever really watched the show or paid it any mind, but I was surprised to see Stevie Nicks coaching one of the hopefuls. It doesn't mean the show suddenly has legitimacy to it, christ how could it. Steven Tyler, the laughing stock of my world, is actually a judge. So is Jennifer Lopez who has no credibility as far as I'm concerned. My sister calls her simply, "A bad person." I won't get into the details of that, but she makes somewhat of a point, and it's fun to watch her get fired up about it. 

But those idiots are merely rating talent at this point, because they have none left in themselves. And as I watched on, I found myself admitting something I really didn't want to; there is talent on the show. Some of these contestants have chops. Not just in their voices, but in their attitudes, their composure, and their musicianship (some play instruments and sing these days, something I was not aware of). So I stood corrected, and I guess a part of me forgave and even credited Stevie for going on the show.

Nonetheless, like her or not, you won't change my opinion. This gypsy's got a one way street into my soul. 


  1. Couldn't agree with you more Jumpsuit, I have a special spot in my heart for Stevie.

  2. Please don't be bad mouthing Jennifer. She is, after all, my girl crush. Now you know.
