Friday, November 9, 2012

What Really Happens at Walter's?

I know everyone "liked" the Dark & Stormy's, but my favorite line had to be from my man Scotty at the end:

If I can't build in it, I usually don't wear it. 

Just like jesus baby.

Scotty and Hannah, two of the more interesting people I conspire with, tried to sneak this little tidbit of a mush piece past us all. But alas, The Queen caught wind (as she often does), and spread it through the land like wildfire. I'm happy to do my part as well to make sure eyes get on it.

Clearly they're two very smart individuals, doing what they love to do. All of their answers are very astute. Which leads me to believe they're spies. They've got their stories too straight. They're hiding something. "No Comment. She always looks great," says Scotty when asked if there were any fashion faux paus on his better half's track record. "Obejection!" I cry from the bleachers, though I'm not council. There must be something. A pair of Teva's worn on one of those hiking expeditions in Montauk perhaps? And Hannah Dewhirst (which even sounds like a spy name), has this to say about their work together:

We recently worked on a project together, which was amazing. We're both in our best element when we are creating. We've collaborated on a couple of ventures now, and this really pushed our normal ways of working.

Working on what? Murder...

Truth be told though, I'm buying it. These two are completely wooly bully for each other and I can attest to that. So fuck it. If anyone's hungry let's go to Walter's.

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